LNO-Ask-the-Doctor-300x300This month a patient asked: “How do I know if I have an eye allergy?”

Dr. Patel answered:

Ocular, or eye, allergies can cause itching, burning, redness, sensitivity to light, and teary or watery eyes.

An eye allergy might occur if you have an allergic reaction to something, resulting in irritation in the conjunctiva (the delicate membrane that extends over the white of the eye).

When the immune system perceives something in the environment as a threat, it will react accordingly and produce a substance known as histamine, to fight off the foreign presence, and cause the eye’s small blood vessels to leak.

The most common triggers of ocular allergies are:

  • Outdoor allergens such as pollen from trees, grass and flowers
  • Indoor allergens like pet dander, mold and dust mites
  • Irritants like fragrances, smoke, and exhaust fumes

Individuals with seasonal outdoor ocular allergies generally observe a worsening of their symptoms when outside during high pollen-count days. Indoor allergens may provoke ocular allergies throughout the year, and one’s symptoms may get worse when cleaning the house or caressing their pet. People with existing allergies who live in areas with higher pollen density, are more susceptible to contracting ocular allergies.

Ocular allergies have some parallel symptoms with other eye diseases, so before beginning treatment, proper diagnosis by a board-certified ophthalmologist is an important first step. Your doctor will conduct a thorough examination of your eyes, to correctly diagnose ocular allergies and then evaluate the best treatment options.

Individuals suffering from ocular allergies can take steps in the home to minimize their exposure to allergens, such as keeping windows closed during high pollen seasons; installing an indoor air purifier; and, avoiding exposure to toxic cleaners, fragrances and dyes.

In addition to taking precautions at home, your eye doctor may also recommend over-the-counter antihistamine, anti-inflammatory eye drops, corticosteroid drops, or allergy shots.

If you are concerned about having an eye allergy, it is important to consult a medical professional to properly diagnose and identify the best treatment approach.


At Lake Nona Ophthalmology, Dr. Patel and his team provide compassionate, excellent care and treatment for patients throughout Central Florida.

Chirag J. Patel, MD, FACS, Lake Nona Ophthalmology Founder, and Krishma Patel, PA-C Physician Assistant.