Facial Volume LossIt’s no secret that as we age, our skin changes. You may begin to notice wrinkles, age spots, and overall dryness as you get older. Your skin may also become thinner and lose fat, making it appear less plump and smooth. This is commonly referred to as facial volume loss. While aging is the primary culprit of facial volume loss, other factors can have adverse effects on your skin.

1. Excessive Sun Exposure

Did you know anything more than 15 minutes is considered overexposure to the sun’s rays? Although UV exposure is not directly linked to facial volume loss, the sun can accelerate the rate at which collagen and elastin in the skin breakdown.

2. Inconsistent Diet or Extreme Workouts

The fluctuations in weight associated with the yo-yo dieting trend can cause ligaments in the face to become stretched out, effectively aging the face by reducing elasticity and volume. Lack of fullness in the face is also very common for avid exercisers. The constant calorie burn results in even more facial volume loss, which makes the skin appear more aged.

3. Hormonal Imbalance

For women, especially during menopause, rapid changes in hormones may cause several shifts throughout the body – including the face. As estrogen levels begin to dwindle, the face loses volume and appears less full as a result.

4. Reduced Bone Mass

Another side effect of aging comes with the loss of bone mass in the face. These changes to the overall structure of the face can result in sunken cheeks and an older appearance.

Luckily, there are treatment options to reverse aging and increase the volume in your face. Facial fillers like Juvéderm®  and Voluma™ rejuvenate your skin with an added boost of a naturally hydrating substance called hyaluronic acid (HA). These injections can increase the structure and volume, reducing unwanted facial wrinkles and folds.


At Lake Nona Ophthalmology, Dr. Patel and his team provide compassionate, excellent care and treatment for patients throughout Central Florida.

Chirag J. Patel, MD, FACS, Lake Nona Ophthalmology Founder, and Krishma Patel, PA-C Physician Assistant.